Since our beginnings in 1990, SAT has manged funds in Eastern and Southern Africa. We have over 30 years of experience and systems sub-granting Overseas Development Aid (ODA), philanthropic funds, and other monies to communities and activists in Africa. In this time we’ve sub-granted to over 350 civil society NGOs or CBOs.

We’ve manged over US$260 million always with clean audits and satisfied funders.
- ODA clients have included Governments of Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden, & Switzerland.
- Other fund management has included GFATM sub-grants in Malawi and Zimbabwe, and a grant from UNAIDS.
- In 2017 we helped the Global fund for AIDS, TB & Malaria set up the Her Voice Fund where, in partnership with EANNAO in East Africa, we provided mini-grants to youth-led and community-based organizations to facilitate opportunities and spaces, and to create platforms from which the voices of adolescent girls and young women could be heard and influence change.
- Our systems are deeply experienced in the allocation, delivery, monitoring, auditing, and reporting on funds.
We currently manage in excess of US$3 million per annum