SAT Malawi Youth Hub Joins National Discussion on Age of Consent and SRHR Access

SAT Malawi Youth Hub engaged in a national meeting on age of consent and SRHR access organised by the Ministry of Health through the Reproductive Health Directorate (RHD) and Youth Advocates. The primary objective of this meeting was to discuss updates on the legal frameworks that support age of consent for accessing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) at all levels, aiming to enhance and strengthen SRHR interventions targeting adolescents and young people.

Malawi boasts a supportive legal environment regarding the age of consent to access SRHR. The Gender Equality Act, Section 19, acknowledges that every individual has the right to adequate sexual and reproductive health, including access to SRHR and family planning services, as well as protection from STIs. Additionally, the Youth Friendly Health Service Strategy stipulates no minimum age for accessing SRHR, applying to anyone who is sexually active.

However, discussions revealed that many health service providers lack comprehensive knowledge of the laws, policies, and strategies related to SRHR. This underscores the need for government, civil society organisations, and development partners to invest in building the capacity of service providers to understand the legal framework promoting access to SRHR services. Enhancing this understanding will significantly improve access to SRHR services, particularly for adolescents and young people, safeguarding their health and well-being.

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