The National AGYW Strategy!

Exciting Update on the National AGYW Strategy! As you may know, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, through the AGYW Secretariat, is currently developing the successor National Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Strategy. We are thrilled to announce that SAT Malawi is actively contributing to the development of the zero draft for the AGYW Strategy 2024-2030.

This week, a small group working meeting is being held from 12 to 15 August 2024 at Ku Chawe Inn in Zomba. This meeting aims to thoroughly reshape, align, and polish the draft strategy following extensive stakeholder and regional consultations. The final draft will then be presented to the wider public for validation at a national stakeholders’ meeting.

Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to create a brighter future for adolescent girls and young women in Malawi!

#YouthLeadHealth #SHRH4All #AdolescentHealthForAll #AGYWStrategy #YouthEmpowerment #SATMalawi

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